PowerShellからウインドウのサイズを変更するには、「Windows API」を呼び出して処理を行う必要がある。この処理はAdd-TypeコマンドレットとC#のコードを使うことで実現する。これまでに本連載で取り上げてきたPowerShellスクリプトからすると、いきなり難易度が高めになるかもしれない。詳しい仕組みはいずれ説明するので、今回はまずどのような処理が行われているのかをざっくり理解し、書き方を把握してもらえればよいと思う。これは実用的な機能なのでぜひ活用していただきたい。

.NET Coreクラスを定義する機能を経由する



ウインドウのサイズを変更するスクリプトを作成したいわけだが、PowerShell自体にはウインドウのサイズを変更したり、ウインドウの情報を得たり、ダイアログを表示したりといった機能は存在していない。こうした機能はWindowsが最初から提供している最も基本的な機能だ。より厳密に言えばuser32.dllが提供している機能であり、Windows APIと呼ばれて以前から使われている。

PowerShellにはWindows APIを直接コールする機能は搭載されていないが、代わりにMicrosoft .NET Coreクラスを定義する機能が提供されている。ここで定義されたクラスは、インスタンス化してPowerShellからオブジェクトとして使うことができる。要するに、PowerShellスクリプトのなかにC#でクラス定義を書いて利用することができる機能が提供されているのだ。


Add-Typeコマンドレットで.NET Coreクラスを定義

PowerShellにおいてMicrosoft .NET Coreクラスを定義する機能は「Add-Type」コマンドレットが提供している。このコマンドレットの動作については次のドキュメントに説明がまとまっている。


$Source = @"
public class BasicTest
  public static int Add(int a, int b)
        return (a + b);
  public int Multiply(int a, int b)
    return (a * b);

Add-Type -TypeDefinition $Source
[BasicTest]::Add(4, 3)
$BasicTestObject = New-Object BasicTest
$BasicTestObject.Multiply(5, 2)


$Signature = @"
[DllImport("user32.dll")]public static extern bool ShowWindowAsync(IntPtr hWnd, int nCmdShow);

$ShowWindowAsync = Add-Type -MemberDefinition $Signature -Name "Win32ShowWindowAsync" -Namespace Win32Functions -PassThru

# Minimize the PowerShell console

$ShowWindowAsync::ShowWindowAsync((Get-Process -Id $pid).MainWindowHandle, 2)

# Restore the PowerShell console

$ShowWindowAsync::ShowWindowAsync((Get-Process -Id $Pid).MainWindowHandle, 4)


DllImportでuser32.dllファイルを読み込んでWindows APIを使う



using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

class Example
    // Use DllImport to import the Win32 MessageBox function.
    [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
    public static extern int MessageBox(IntPtr hWnd, String text, String caption, uint type);

    static void Main()
        // Call the MessageBox function using platform invoke.
        MessageBox(new IntPtr(0), "Hello World!", "Hello Dialog", 0);


using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

class Example
    // Use DllImport to import the Win32 MessageBox function.
    [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
    public static extern int MessageBox(IntPtr hWnd, String text, String caption, uint type);


Windows APIのMessageBox()を実行するスクリプトを作る

では、これまでのサンプルをベースに、PowerShellスクリプトからWindows APIのMessageBox()を実行する処理を書いてみよう。結果としては次のようになる(MessageBox.ps1)。

#!/usr/bin/env pwsh

Add-Type @"
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

public class MyMessageDialog
    // Use DllImport to import the Win32 MessageBox function.
    [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
    public static extern int MessageBox(IntPtr hWnd, String text, String caption, uint type);

[MyMessageDialog]::MessageBox(0, "新大陸へようこそ!", "新大陸へようこそダイアログ", 0)




* * *

Windows APIで提供されている関数については、Microsoftのページからドキュメントをたどることができる。後はこのマニュアルなどを参考に、必要な機能を調べて実装に利用していけばよい。


付録: user32.dllの関数一覧

PS C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.29.30037\bin\Hostx64\x64> .\dumpbin.exe /exports C:\Windows\System32\user32.dll
Microsoft (R) COFF/PE Dumper Version 14.29.30038.1
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Dump of file C:\Windows\System32\user32.dll

File Type: DLL

  Section contains the following exports for USER32.dll

    00000000 characteristics
    EFA6B327 time date stamp
        0.00 version
        1502 ordinal base
        1215 number of functions
        1005 number of names

    ordinal hint RVA      name

       1504    0 0002C660 ActivateKeyboardLayout
       1505    1 0002CE40 AddClipboardFormatListener
       1506    2 00033990 AddVisualIdentifier
       1507    3 00087B00 AdjustWindowRect
       1508    4 000165D0 AdjustWindowRectEx
       1509    5 000103C0 AdjustWindowRectExForDpi
       1510    6 0008DA80 AlignRects
       1511    7 00087B70 AllowForegroundActivation
       1512    8 0002B6D0 AllowSetForegroundWindow
       1513    9 000824E0 AnimateWindow
       1514    A 00083280 AnyPopup
       1515    B 0008B380 AppendMenuA
       1516    C 0001FA80 AppendMenuW
       1517    D 000292A0 AreDpiAwarenessContextsEqual
       1518    E 00087B90 ArrangeIconicWindows
       1519    F 000339A0 AttachThreadInput
       1520   10 00029DE0 BeginDeferWindowPos
       1521   11 000339C0 BeginPaint
       1522   12 000339D0 BlockInput
       1523   13 00031210 BringWindowToTop
       1524   14 0008B3E0 BroadcastSystemMessage
       1525   15 0008B3E0 BroadcastSystemMessageA
       1526   16 0008B410 BroadcastSystemMessageExA
       1527   17 00089120 BroadcastSystemMessageExW
       1528   18 0002AD50 BroadcastSystemMessageW
       1529   19 00032700 BuildReasonArray
       1530   1A 000339F0 CalcMenuBar
       1531   1B 00033A00 CalculatePopupWindowPosition
       1532   1C 000845C0 CallMsgFilter
       1533   1D 000845C0 CallMsgFilterA
       1534   1E 0008A930 CallMsgFilterW
       1535   1F 00001FA0 CallNextHookEx
       1536   20 0004FF70 CallWindowProcA
       1537   21 0000E460 CallWindowProcW
       1538   22 00056AD0 CancelShutdown
       1539   23 00087BB0 CascadeChildWindows
       1540   24 00077A00 CascadeWindows
       1541   25 00085AE0 ChangeClipboardChain
       1542   26 000846E0 ChangeDisplaySettingsA
       1543   27 00030EB0 ChangeDisplaySettingsExA
       1544   28 00027030 ChangeDisplaySettingsExW
       1545   29 0008A9F0 ChangeDisplaySettingsW
       1546   2A 00077CF0 ChangeMenuA
       1547   2B 00077DA0 ChangeMenuW
       1548   2C 0002B140 ChangeWindowMessageFilter
       1549   2D 00033A20 ChangeWindowMessageFilterEx
       1555   2E 0002CCD0 CharLowerA
       1556   2F 00085B00 CharLowerBuffA
       1557   30 00085B20 CharLowerBuffW
       1558   31 00031D40 CharLowerW
       1559   32 0002B060 CharNextA
       1560   33 00085B40 CharNextExA
       1561   34 0002BB00 CharNextW
       1562   35 00001E20 CharPrevA
       1563   36 00085B60 CharPrevExA
       1564   37 00085B80 CharPrevW
       1565   38 00028580 CharToOemA
       1566   39 0007CC20 CharToOemBuffA
       1567   3A 0007CC70 CharToOemBuffW
       1568   3B 0007CCD0 CharToOemW
       1569   3C 00029780 CharUpperA
       1570   3D 00085BA0 CharUpperBuffA
       1571   3E 00001360 CharUpperBuffW
       1572   3F 00026B40 CharUpperW
       1573   40 0002CEB0 CheckBannedOneCoreTransformApi
       1574   41 00021CC0 CheckDBCSEnabledExt
       1575   42 00001B60 CheckDlgButton
       1576   43 0001F7B0 CheckMenuItem
       1577   44 00001910 CheckMenuRadioItem
       1578   45 00033A30 CheckProcessForClipboardAccess
       1579   46 00033A40 CheckProcessSession
       1580   47 00001380 CheckRadioButton
       1581   48 00033A50 CheckWindowThreadDesktop
       1582   49 00087BE0 ChildWindowFromPoint
       1583   4A 00033A60 ChildWindowFromPointEx
       1584   4B 0004BC40 CliImmSetHotKey
       1585   4C 0001D4C0 ClientThreadSetup
       1586   4D 00011830 ClientToScreen
       1587   4E 00033A80 ClipCursor
       1588   4F 0002C860 CloseClipboard
       1589   50 00033A90 CloseDesktop
       1590   51 0004F120 CloseGestureInfoHandle
       1591   52 000517A0 CloseTouchInputHandle
       1592   53 00087C90 CloseWindow
       1593   54 00033AA0 CloseWindowStation
       1594   55 00027350 ConsoleControl
       1595   56 00033B00 ControlMagnification
       1596   57 00050B60 CopyAcceleratorTableA
       1597   58 00033B10 CopyAcceleratorTableW
       1598   59 00026EA0 CopyIcon
       1599   5A 000151D0 CopyImage
       1600   5B 00023AD0 CopyRect
       1601   5C 0002BA20 CountClipboardFormats
       1602   5D 00050BF0 CreateAcceleratorTableA
       1603   5E 00033B20 CreateAcceleratorTableW
       1604   5F 0002BC50 CreateCaret
       1605   60 000317F0 CreateCursor
       1606   61 00033B50 CreateDCompositionHwndTarget
       1607   62 00087CD0 CreateDesktopA
       1608   63 00087D10 CreateDesktopExA
       1609   64 0002C110 CreateDesktopExW
       1610   65 0002C0D0 CreateDesktopW
       1611   66 00050C80 CreateDialogIndirectParamA
       1612   67 00003B20 CreateDialogIndirectParamAorW
       1613   68 00002930 CreateDialogIndirectParamW
       1614   69 00050CB0 CreateDialogParamA
       1615   6A 00003610 CreateDialogParamW
       1616   6B 00050DA0 CreateIcon
       1617   6C 00050E70 CreateIconFromResource
       1618   6D 00025850 CreateIconFromResourceEx
       1619   6E 00015920 CreateIconIndirect
       1620   6F 00077A30 CreateMDIWindowA
       1621   70 00077AB0 CreateMDIWindowW
       1622   71 00031E80 CreateMenu
       1623   72 0002C820 CreatePopupMenu
       1624   73 0007E020 CreateSyntheticPointerDevice
       1625   74 000891F0 CreateSystemThreads
       1626   75 00003C10 CreateWindowExA
       1627   76 00007720 CreateWindowExW
       1628   77 00005FC0 CreateWindowInBand
       1629   78 00006060 CreateWindowInBandEx
       1630   79 000832D0 CreateWindowIndirect
       1631   7A 00087ED0 CreateWindowStationA
       1632   7B 0001DAC0 CreateWindowStationW
       1633   7C 0002AC70 CsrBroadcastSystemMessageExW
       1634   7D 0001D330 CtxInitUser32
       1635   7E 00083850 DdeAbandonTransaction
       1636   7F 0006AC40 DdeAccessData
       1637   80 0006AD00 DdeAddData
       1638   81 00083930 DdeClientTransaction
       1639   82 0006B890 DdeCmpStringHandles
       1640   83 00056020 DdeConnect
       1641   84 00056130 DdeConnectList
       1642   85 0006AEA0 DdeCreateDataHandle
       1643   86 0006B8B0 DdeCreateStringHandleA
       1644   87 0002AAE0 DdeCreateStringHandleW
       1645   88 00056420 DdeDisconnect
       1646   89 000564D0 DdeDisconnectList
       1647   8A 0004DA90 DdeEnableCallback
       1648   8B 0006B000 DdeFreeDataHandle
       1649   8C 0006B8D0 DdeFreeStringHandle
       1650   8D 0006B080 DdeGetData
       1651   8E 00057A10 DdeGetLastError
       1652   8F 0002CEE0 DdeGetQualityOfService
       1653   90 00057A70 DdeImpersonateClient
       1654   91 00057B10 DdeInitializeA
       1655   92 0001CFD0 DdeInitializeW
       1656   93 0006B9B0 DdeKeepStringHandle
       1657   94 0002A7A0 DdeNameService
       1658   95 00083FC0 DdePostAdvise
       1659   96 00084290 DdeQueryConvInfo
       1660   97 000565F0 DdeQueryNextServer
       1661   98 0006BA80 DdeQueryStringA
       1662   99 0006BAA0 DdeQueryStringW
       1663   9A 00056750 DdeReconnect
       1664   9B 0002CEE0 DdeSetQualityOfService
       1665   9C 000844C0 DdeSetUserHandle
       1666   9D 0006B1F0 DdeUnaccessData
       1667   9E 00057B30 DdeUninitialize
       1668   9F          DefDlgProcA (forwarded to NTDLL.NtdllDialogWndProc_A)
       1669   A0          DefDlgProcW (forwarded to NTDLL.NtdllDialogWndProc_W)
       1670   A1 00077B30 DefFrameProcA
       1671   A2 0002FAD0 DefFrameProcW
       1672   A3 00077B60 DefMDIChildProcA
       1673   A4 0002E020 DefMDIChildProcW
       1674   A5 00089150 DefRawInputProc
       1675   A6          DefWindowProcA (forwarded to NTDLL.NtdllDefWindowProc_A)
       1676   A7          DefWindowProcW (forwarded to NTDLL.NtdllDefWindowProc_W)
       1677   A8 00027CF0 DeferWindowPos
       1678   A9 00087F50 DeferWindowPosAndBand
       2503   AA 00033B90 DelegateInput
       1679   AB 00033BA0 DeleteMenu
       1680   AC 0002CC90 DeregisterShellHookWindow
       1681   AD 000278E0 DestroyAcceleratorTable
       1682   AE 0002C730 DestroyCaret
       1683   AF 00028EC0 DestroyCursor
       1684   B0 00033BE0 DestroyDCompositionHwndTarget
       1685   B1 00028EC0 DestroyIcon
       1686   B2 00033BF0 DestroyMenu
       1687   B3 00032670 DestroyReasons
       1688   B4 00033C00 DestroySyntheticPointerDevice
       1689   B5 00033C10 DestroyWindow
       1690   B6 00050EA0 DialogBoxIndirectParamA
       1691   B7 0002D2A0 DialogBoxIndirectParamAorW
       1692   B8 0002D270 DialogBoxIndirectParamW
       1693   B9 00050ED0 DialogBoxParamA
       1694   BA 0002D1E0 DialogBoxParamW
       1695   BB 0002CB40 DisableProcessWindowsGhosting
       1696   BC 0002B5D0 DispatchMessageA
       1697   BD 0000E040 DispatchMessageW
       1698   BE 000297C0 DisplayConfigGetDeviceInfo
       1699   BF 0008D110 DisplayConfigSetDeviceInfo
       1700   C0 00056B30 DisplayExitWindowsWarnings
       1701   C1 00075310 DlgDirListA
       1702   C2 00054500 DlgDirListComboBoxA
       1703   C3 000545F0 DlgDirListComboBoxW
       1704   C4 00075410 DlgDirListW
       1705   C5 00054650 DlgDirSelectComboBoxExA
       1706   C6 00054700 DlgDirSelectComboBoxExW
       1707   C7 00075470 DlgDirSelectExA
       1708   C8 00075530 DlgDirSelectExW
       1709   C9 00033C30 DoSoundConnect
       1710   CA 00033C40 DoSoundDisconnect
       1711   CB 00033C60 DragDetect
       1712   CC 00033C70 DragObject
       1713   CD 00033C80 DrawAnimatedRects
       1714   CE 0007C5C0 DrawCaption
       1715   CF 00084710 DrawCaptionTempA
       1716   D0 0008AA20 DrawCaptionTempW
       1717   D1 00022FA0 DrawEdge
       1718   D2 000302A0 DrawFocusRect
       1719   D3 0008E8A0 DrawFrame
       1720   D4 0008E9E0 DrawFrameControl
       1721   D5 00087FB0 DrawIcon
       1722   D6 00026280 DrawIconEx
       1723   D7 00032410 DrawMenuBar
       1724   D8 00077E50 DrawMenuBarTemp
       1725   D9 00078660 DrawStateA
       1726   DA 000281E0 DrawStateW
       1727   DB 00056FE0 DrawTextA
       1728   DC 00057060 DrawTextExA
       1729   DD 0001E710 DrawTextExW
       1730   DE 0001E740 DrawTextW
       1553   DF 0002CEC0 DwmGetDxRgn
       1731   E0 0002DAD0 DwmGetDxSharedSurface
       1732   E1 00033C90 DwmGetRemoteSessionOcclusionEvent
       1733   E2 00033CA0 DwmGetRemoteSessionOcclusionState
       1734   E3 00033CB0 DwmKernelShutdown
       1735   E4 00033CC0 DwmKernelStartup
       1736   E5 0002CCB0 DwmLockScreenUpdates
       1737   E6 00033CD0 DwmValidateWindow
       1738   E7 000607C0 EditWndProc
       1739   E8 000324B0 EmptyClipboard
       1740   E9 0001F830 EnableMenuItem
       1741   EA 00033CF0 EnableMouseInPointer
       1742   EB 00033D20 EnableNonClientDpiScaling
       1743   EC 00033D30 EnableOneCoreTransformMode
       1744   ED 000132C0 EnableScrollBar
       1745   EE 00032010 EnableSessionForMMCSS
       1746   EF 0002B210 EnableWindow
       1747   F0 0002A4A0 EndDeferWindowPos
       1748   F1 00033DA0 EndDeferWindowPosEx
       1749   F2 00031B00 EndDialog
       1750   F3 00033DB0 EndMenu
       1751   F4 00033DC0 EndPaint
       1752   F5 00056DF0 EndTask
       1753   F6 0007DA90 EnterReaderModeHelper
       1754   F7 0000ED30 EnumChildWindows
       1755   F8 00031F60 EnumClipboardFormats
       1756   F9 000217E0 EnumDesktopWindows
       1757   FA 00003430 EnumDesktopsA
       1758   FB 00004FD0 EnumDesktopsW
       1759   FC 00008C30 EnumDisplayDevicesA
       1760   FD 000271F0 EnumDisplayDevicesW
       1761   FE 00033DD0 EnumDisplayMonitors
       1762   FF 00008A00 EnumDisplaySettingsA
       1763  100 00008A20 EnumDisplaySettingsExA
       1764  101 000088C0 EnumDisplaySettingsExW
       1765  102 000088A0 EnumDisplaySettingsW
       1766  103 0004E700 EnumPropsA
       1767  104 0004E720 EnumPropsExA
       1768  105 00026C70 EnumPropsExW
       1769  106 0004E740 EnumPropsW
       1770  107 00021810 EnumThreadWindows
       1771  108 00003410 EnumWindowStationsA
       1772  109 00004FB0 EnumWindowStationsW
       1773  10A 00021840 EnumWindows
       1774  10B 000238F0 EqualRect
       1775  10C 00080820 EvaluateProximityToPolygon
       1776  10D 00080D50 EvaluateProximityToRect
       1777  10E 00033DE0 ExcludeUpdateRgn
       1778  10F 0002BEB0 ExitWindowsEx
       1779  110 00023270 FillRect
       1780  111 0007CBA0 FindWindowA
       1781  112 00003050 FindWindowExA
       1782  113 00025E80 FindWindowExW
       1783  114 00023580 FindWindowW
       1784  115 00088020 FlashWindow
       1785  116 00033DF0 FlashWindowEx
       1786  117 00030270 FrameRect
       1787  118 000593C0 FreeDDElParam
       1788  119 00033E10 FrostCrashedWindow
       1789  11A 0002B230 GetActiveWindow
       1790  11B 00084830 GetAltTabInfo
       1791  11C 00084830 GetAltTabInfoA
       1792  11D 0008AB10 GetAltTabInfoW
       1793  11E 00033E30 GetAncestor
       1794  11F 0002B020 GetAppCompatFlags
       1795  120 00011B00 GetAppCompatFlags2
       1796  121 00023E60 GetAsyncKeyState
       1797  122 00033E40 GetAutoRotationState
       1798  123 00027DE0 GetAwarenessFromDpiAwarenessContext
       1799  124 00033E50 GetCIMSSM
       1800  125 00027CA0 GetCapture
       1801  126 00033E60 GetCaretBlinkTime
       1802  127 00033E70 GetCaretPos
       1803  128 00002AA0 GetClassInfoA
       1804  129 00002B40 GetClassInfoExA
       1805  12A 000070C0 GetClassInfoExW
       1806  12B 00007070 GetClassInfoW
       1807  12C 0008B450 GetClassLongA
       1808  12D 0008B4B0 GetClassLongPtrA
       1809  12E 00027EA0 GetClassLongPtrW
       1810  12F 00011BA0 GetClassLongW
       1811  130 0008AB40 GetClassNameA
       1812  131 00021C80 GetClassNameW
       1813  132 000285D0 GetClassWord
       1814  133 00012D30 GetClientRect
       1815  134 00033E80 GetClipCursor
       1816  135 00033E90 GetClipboardAccessToken
       1817  136 0002B2D0 GetClipboardData
       1818  137 00084860 GetClipboardFormatNameA
       1819  138 0002C800 GetClipboardFormatNameW
       1820  139 0002CC30 GetClipboardOwner
       1821  13A 0002C680 GetClipboardSequenceNumber
       1822  13B 00085BC0 GetClipboardViewer
       1823  13C 00033EA0 GetComboBoxInfo
       1824  13D 00033EB0 GetCurrentInputMessageSource
       1825  13E 00033EC0 GetCursor
       1826  13F 0002C4D0 GetCursorFrameInfo
       1827  140 00033ED0 GetCursorInfo
       1828  141 00027CD0 GetCursorPos
       1829  142 00026130 GetDC
       1830  143 00033EE0 GetDCEx
       1831  144 00033EF0 GetDesktopID
       1832  145 0000AEB0 GetDesktopWindow
       1833  146 00032270 GetDialogBaseUnits
       1834  147 00059EF0 GetDialogControlDpiChangeBehavior
       1835  148 00059F20 GetDialogDpiChangeBehavior
       1836  149 00033F00 GetDisplayAutoRotationPreferences
       1837  14A 00028D90 GetDisplayConfigBufferSizes
       1838  14B 00020BF0 GetDlgCtrlID
       1839  14C 00010170 GetDlgItem
       1840  14D 00059F70 GetDlgItemInt
       1841  14E 0008B510 GetDlgItemTextA
       1842  14F 000321A0 GetDlgItemTextW
       1843  150 00033F20 GetDoubleClickTime
       1844  151 00088090 GetDpiAwarenessContextForProcess
       1845  152 000278B0 GetDpiForMonitorInternal
       1846  153 00011650 GetDpiForSystem
       1847  154 00013F40 GetDpiForWindow
       1848  155 000880B0 GetDpiFromDpiAwarenessContext
       1849  156 00033F30 GetExtendedPointerDeviceProperty
       1850  157 000239D0 GetFocus
       1851  158 00033F40 GetForegroundWindow
       1852  159 00033F50 GetGUIThreadInfo
       1853  15A 00033F60 GetGestureConfig
       1854  15B 0004F1B0 GetGestureExtraArgs
       1855  15C 0004F1E0 GetGestureInfo
       1856  15D 00033F70 GetGuiResources
       1857  15E 00026F00 GetIconInfo
       1858  15F 00051040 GetIconInfoExA
       1859  160 00029EB0 GetIconInfoExW
       1860  161 000880E0 GetInputDesktop
       1861  162 00033F90 GetInputLocaleInfo
       1862  163 000833F0 GetInputState
       1863  164 00033FD0 GetInternalWindowPos
       1864  165 00088100 GetKBCodePage
       1865  166 00084910 GetKeyNameTextA
       1866  167 0002C060 GetKeyNameTextW
       1867  168 0001E0C0 GetKeyState
       1868  169 00026FC0 GetKeyboardLayout
       1869  16A 00033FE0 GetKeyboardLayoutList
       1870  16B 000849D0 GetKeyboardLayoutNameA
       1871  16C 0002C080 GetKeyboardLayoutNameW
       1872  16D 00033FF0 GetKeyboardState
       1873  16E 00031DE0 GetKeyboardType
       1874  16F 00014CD0 GetLastActivePopup
       1875  170 000269B0 GetLastInputInfo
       1876  171 00034000 GetLayeredWindowAttributes
       1877  172 00034010 GetListBoxInfo
       1878  173 00075B20 GetMagnificationDesktopColorEffect
       1879  174 00075C10 GetMagnificationDesktopMagnification
       1880  175 00075CB0 GetMagnificationDesktopSamplingMode
       1881  176 00034020 GetMagnificationLensCtxInformation
       1882  177 0002A3C0 GetMenu
       1883  178 00034030 GetMenuBarInfo
       1884  179 00077F00 GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions
       1885  17A 00077F40 GetMenuContextHelpId
       1886  17B 00029070 GetMenuDefaultItem
       1887  17C 000016D0 GetMenuInfo
       1888  17D 00026160 GetMenuItemCount
       1889  17E 0002A520 GetMenuItemID
       1890  17F 0008B560 GetMenuItemInfoA
       1891  180 0001FC90 GetMenuItemInfoW
       1892  181 00034040 GetMenuItemRect
       1893  182 0001F8D0 GetMenuState
       1894  183 0008B660 GetMenuStringA
       1895  184 00030D00 GetMenuStringW
       1896  185 00028680 GetMessageA
       1897  186 00029480 GetMessageExtraInfo
       1898  187 0002AF50 GetMessagePos
       1899  188 00029DC0 GetMessageTime
       1900  189 00021B10 GetMessageW
       1901  18A 0002DBE0 GetMonitorInfoA
       1902  18B 000207A0 GetMonitorInfoW
       1903  18C 00034050 GetMouseMovePointsEx
       1904  18D 0005A570 GetNextDlgGroupItem
       1905  18E 00001D90 GetNextDlgTabItem
       1906  18F 0002CBC0 GetOpenClipboardWindow
       1907  190 0001DD20 GetParent
       1908  191 00027CD0 GetPhysicalCursorPos
       1909  192 00034080 GetPointerCursorId
       1910  193 00034090 GetPointerDevice
       1911  194 000340A0 GetPointerDeviceCursors
       1912  195 000340B0 GetPointerDeviceInputSpace
       1913  196 000340C0 GetPointerDeviceOrientation
       1914  197 000340D0 GetPointerDeviceProperties
       1915  198 000340E0 GetPointerDeviceRects
       1916  199 000340F0 GetPointerDevices
       1503  19A 000500E0 GetPointerFrameArrivalTimes
       1917  19B 00050260 GetPointerFrameInfo
       1918  19C 000502B0 GetPointerFrameInfoHistory
       1919  19D 000502F0 GetPointerFramePenInfo
       1920  19E 00050340 GetPointerFramePenInfoHistory
       1921  19F 00034100 GetPointerFrameTimes
       1922  1A0 00050380 GetPointerFrameTouchInfo
       1923  1A1 000503D0 GetPointerFrameTouchInfoHistory
       1924  1A2 00050410 GetPointerInfo
       1925  1A3 00050470 GetPointerInfoHistory
       1926  1A4 00034110 GetPointerInputTransform
       1927  1A5 000504C0 GetPointerPenInfo
       1928  1A6 00050520 GetPointerPenInfoHistory
       1929  1A7 00050570 GetPointerTouchInfo
       1930  1A8 000505D0 GetPointerTouchInfoHistory
       1931  1A9 00034130 GetPointerType
       1932  1AA 00085BE0 GetPriorityClipboardFormat
       1933  1AB 0002CBA0 GetProcessDefaultLayout
       1934  1AC 0002B630 GetProcessDpiAwarenessInternal
       2521  1AD 00034150 GetProcessUIContextInformation
       1935  1AE 00034160 GetProcessWindowStation
       1936  1AF 00088120 GetProgmanWindow
       1937  1B0 0002D940 GetPropA
       1938  1B1 00009F10 GetPropW
       1939  1B2 00020FB0 GetQueueStatus
       1940  1B3 0006A0F0 GetRawInputBuffer
       1941  1B4 00034180 GetRawInputData
       1942  1B5 0008B6B0 GetRawInputDeviceInfoA
       1943  1B6 00032250 GetRawInputDeviceInfoW
       1944  1B7 00034190 GetRawInputDeviceList
       1945  1B8 000341A0 GetRawPointerDeviceData
       1946  1B9 00032580 GetReasonTitleFromReasonCode
       1947  1BA 000341B0 GetRegisteredRawInputDevices
       1948  1BB 000341D0 GetScrollBarInfo
       1949  1BC 000283C0 GetScrollInfo
       1950  1BD 00031250 GetScrollPos
       1951  1BE 00083430 GetScrollRange
       1952  1BF 00088180 GetSendMessageReceiver
       1953  1C0 0002BE70 GetShellChangeNotifyWindow
       1954  1C1 00028130 GetShellWindow
       1955  1C2 0002A090 GetSubMenu
       1956  1C3 00025E40 GetSysColor
       1957  1C4 00027FF0 GetSysColorBrush
       1958  1C5 000341E0 GetSystemDpiForProcess
       1959  1C6 000341F0 GetSystemMenu
       1960  1C7 00020E50 GetSystemMetrics
       1961  1C8 00010BC0 GetSystemMetricsForDpi
       1962  1C9 00057220 GetTabbedTextExtentA
       1963  1CA 00057320 GetTabbedTextExtentW
       1964  1CB 0002CBE0 GetTaskmanWindow
       1965  1CC 00034200 GetThreadDesktop
       1966  1CD 00023C90 GetThreadDpiAwarenessContext
       1967  1CE 000881A0 GetThreadDpiHostingBehavior
       1968  1CF 00034210 GetTitleBarInfo
       1969  1D0 00034220 GetTopLevelWindow
       1970  1D1 0002D0E0 GetTopWindow
       1971  1D2 00051830 GetTouchInputInfo
       1972  1D3 000881F0 GetUnpredictedMessagePos
       1973  1D4 0002B270 GetUpdateRect
       1974  1D5 00088210 GetUpdateRgn
       1975  1D6 00085C00 GetUpdatedClipboardFormats
       1976  1D7 0002C3F0 GetUserObjectInformationA
       1977  1D8 00034250 GetUserObjectInformationW
       1978  1D9 000882B0 GetUserObjectSecurity
       1979  1DA 00088310 GetWinStationInfo
       1980  1DB 00009DA0 GetWindow
       1981  1DC 00034260 GetWindowBand
       1982  1DD 00034270 GetWindowCompositionAttribute
       1983  1DE 00034280 GetWindowCompositionInfo
       1984  1DF 00088330 GetWindowContextHelpId
       1985  1E0 00034290 GetWindowDC
       1986  1E1 000342A0 GetWindowDisplayAffinity
       1987  1E2 00013420 GetWindowDpiAwarenessContext
       1988  1E3 00088350 GetWindowDpiHostingBehavior
       1989  1E4 000342B0 GetWindowFeedbackSetting
       1990  1E5 000105C0 GetWindowInfo
       1991  1E6 00013FA0 GetWindowLongA
       1992  1E7 00010DE0 GetWindowLongPtrA
       1993  1E8 0000F830 GetWindowLongPtrW
       1994  1E9 0000FB70 GetWindowLongW
       1995  1EA 000342D0 GetWindowMinimizeRect
       1996  1EB 0008B7F0 GetWindowModuleFileName
       1997  1EC 0008B7F0 GetWindowModuleFileNameA
       1998  1ED 00089170 GetWindowModuleFileNameW
       1999  1EE 000342E0 GetWindowPlacement
       2000  1EF 000342F0 GetWindowProcessHandle
       2003  1F0 000146E0 GetWindowRect
       2004  1F1 0002A230 GetWindowRgn
       2006  1F2 000090C0 GetWindowRgnBox
       2007  1F3 00034300 GetWindowRgnEx
       2008  1F4 00009490 GetWindowTextA
       2009  1F5 0008B840 GetWindowTextLengthA
       2011  1F6 0000A200 GetWindowTextLengthW
       2012  1F7 0000C2F0 GetWindowTextW
       2013  1F8 00003500 GetWindowThreadProcessId
       2014  1F9 00083500 GetWindowWord
       2015  1FA 00034310 GhostWindowFromHungWindow
       2016  1FB 000883C0 GrayStringA
       2017  1FC 00088420 GrayStringW
       2505  1FD 00034320 HandleDelegatedInput
       2018  1FE 00028E00 HideCaret
       2019  1FF 00034340 HiliteMenuItem
       2020  200 00034350 HungWindowFromGhostWindow
       2021  201 00085120 IMPGetIMEA
       2022  202 00085140 IMPGetIMEW
       2023  203 00085160 IMPQueryIMEA
       2024  204 00085180 IMPQueryIMEW
       2025  205 000851A0 IMPSetIMEA
       2026  206 000851C0 IMPSetIMEW
       2027  207 00034360 ImpersonateDdeClientWindow
       2028  208 00028190 InSendMessage
       2029  209 00023B00 InSendMessageEx
       2030  20A 00004EE0 InflateRect
       2031  20B 00034370 InheritWindowMonitor
       2032  20C 000222B0 InitDManipHook
       2033  20D 00034380 InitializeGenericHidInjection
       2034  20E 00034390 InitializeInputDeviceInjection
       2035  20F 000272D0 InitializeLpkHooks
       2036  210 000343A0 InitializePointerDeviceInjection
       2037  211 000343B0 InitializePointerDeviceInjectionEx
       2038  212 000343C0 InitializeTouchInjection
       2039  213 000343D0 InjectDeviceInput
       2040  214 000343E0 InjectGenericHidInput
       2041  215 000343F0 InjectKeyboardInput
       2042  216 00034400 InjectMouseInput
       2043  217 00034410 InjectPointerInput
       2044  218 00034410 InjectSyntheticPointerInput
       2045  219 00034420 InjectTouchInput
       2046  21A 00034430 InputSpaceRegionFromPoint
       2047  21B 0008B890 InsertMenuA
       2048  21C 0008B910 InsertMenuItemA
       2049  21D 0001FAE0 InsertMenuItemW
       2050  21E 0001FA00 InsertMenuW
       2051  21F 0007C740 InternalGetWindowIcon
       2052  220 00027E50 InternalGetWindowText
       2053  221 00013B80 IntersectRect
       2054  222 00034450 InvalidateRect
       2055  223 00034460 InvalidateRgn
       2056  224 00026090 InvertRect
       2057  225 00085C20 IsCharAlphaA
       2058  226 00085C40 IsCharAlphaNumericA
       2059  227 00032490 IsCharAlphaNumericW
       2060  228 00085C60 IsCharAlphaW
       2061  229 00085C80 IsCharLowerA
       2062  22A 00085CA0 IsCharLowerW
       2063  22B 00085CC0 IsCharUpperA
       2064  22C 00085CE0 IsCharUpperW
       2065  22D 00013FF0 IsChild
       2066  22E 00023560 IsClipboardFormatAvailable
       2067  22F 0005A1E0 IsDialogMessage
       2068  230 0005A1E0 IsDialogMessageA
       2069  231 0000BDD0 IsDialogMessageW
       2070  232 0005A0F0 IsDlgButtonChecked
       2071  233 00027F80 IsGUIThread
       2072  234 00029D90 IsHungAppWindow
       2073  235 0000C1F0 IsIconic
       2074  236 00029500 IsImmersiveProcess
       2075  237 0002B160 IsInDesktopWindowBand
       2076  238 00027800 IsMenu
       2077  239 00034480 IsMouseInPointerEnabled
       2078  23A 000344B0 IsOneCoreTransformMode
       2079  23B 00021A90 IsProcessDPIAware
       2080  23C 00088480 IsQueueAttached
       2081  23D 00023420 IsRectEmpty
       2082  23E 0007DD00 IsSETEnabled
       2083  23F 00011B70 IsServerSideWindow
       2084  240 00010D30 IsThreadDesktopComposited
       2528  241 000260D0 IsThreadMessageQueueAttached
       2085  242 00001470 IsThreadTSFEventAware
       2086  243 000344D0 IsTopLevelWindow
       2087  244 000344E0 IsTouchWindow
       2088  245 000884A0 IsValidDpiAwarenessContext
       2089  246 00004A50 IsWinEventHookInstalled
       2090  247 0000A100 IsWindow
       2091  248 0000C180 IsWindowArranged
       2092  249 00011AB0 IsWindowEnabled
       2093  24A 00023450 IsWindowInDestroy
       2094  24B 000133B0 IsWindowRedirectedForPrint
       2095  24C 000117E0 IsWindowUnicode
       2096  24D 0001E170 IsWindowVisible
       2097  24E 0004FFA0 IsWow64Message
       2098  24F 00023920 IsZoomed
       2099  250 00034510 KillTimer
       2100  251 00051190 LoadAcceleratorsA
       2101  252 00027980 LoadAcceleratorsW
       2102  253 00031D00 LoadBitmapA
       2103  254 0002BB50 LoadBitmapW
       2104  255 00029D50 LoadCursorA
       2105  256 0004BD20 LoadCursorFromFileA
       2106  257 0004BD90 LoadCursorFromFileW
       2107  258 00014630 LoadCursorW
       2108  259 0002C9D0 LoadIconA
       2109  25A 00016EB0 LoadIconW
       2110  25B 0002FC20 LoadImageA
       2111  25C 00016B40 LoadImageW
       2112  25D 000884C0 LoadKeyboardLayoutA
       2113  25E 00088550 LoadKeyboardLayoutEx
       2114  25F 0001CFF0 LoadKeyboardLayoutW
       2115  260 0002CDC0 LoadLocalFonts
       2116  261 0004F820 LoadMenuA
       2117  262 00021E80 LoadMenuIndirectA
       2118  263 00021E80 LoadMenuIndirectW
       2119  264 00021DC0 LoadMenuW
       2120  265 0002CD40 LoadRemoteFonts
       2121  266 000511D0 LoadStringA
       2122  267 00027FC0 LoadStringW
       2123  268 00088580 LockSetForegroundWindow
       2124  269 00034530 LockWindowStation
       2125  26A 00034540 LockWindowUpdate
       2126  26B 00034550 LockWorkStation
       2127  26C 00034570 LogicalToPhysicalPoint
       2128  26D 00034580 LogicalToPhysicalPointForPerMonitorDPI
       2129  26E 00051260 LookupIconIdFromDirectory
       2130  26F 00025940 LookupIconIdFromDirectoryEx
       2131  270 00024060 MBToWCSEx
       2132  271 00024030 MBToWCSExt
       2133  272 0007AC00 MB_GetString
       2134  273 0002CE60 MITGetCursorUpdateHandle
       2135  274 0002CEC0 MITSetForegroundRoutingInfo
       2136  275 0002B690 MITSetInputDelegationMode
       2137  276 0007E060 MITSetLastInputRecipient
       2138  277 0007E080 MITSynthesizeTouchInput
       2139  278 0002AFB0 MakeThreadTSFEventAware
       2140  279 00031650 MapDialogRect
       2141  27A 00034590 MapPointsByVisualIdentifier
       2142  27B 00084A40 MapVirtualKeyA
       2143  27C 00084AB0 MapVirtualKeyExA
       2144  27D 0002AF90 MapVirtualKeyExW
       2145  27E 00027E80 MapVirtualKeyW
       2146  27F 000345A0 MapVisualRelativePoints
       2147  280 0000BA60 MapWindowPoints
       2148  281 000345B0 MenuItemFromPoint
       2149  282 0004FFC0 MenuWindowProcA
       2150  283 00050040 MenuWindowProcW
       2151  284 000885A0 MessageBeep
       2152  285 0007AC30 MessageBoxA
       2153  286 0007AC90 MessageBoxExA
       2154  287 0007ACC0 MessageBoxExW
       2155  288 0007ACF0 MessageBoxIndirectA
       2156  289 0007AEA0 MessageBoxIndirectW
       2157  28A 0007AF60 MessageBoxTimeoutA
       2158  28B 0007B0D0 MessageBoxTimeoutW
       2159  28C 0007B2B0 MessageBoxW
       2160  28D 0008B980 ModifyMenuA
       2161  28E 00031C80 ModifyMenuW
       2162  28F 000294C0 MonitorFromPoint
       2163  290 00013750 MonitorFromRect
       2164  291 000210E0 MonitorFromWindow
       2165  292 000345C0 MoveWindow
       2166  293 000206C0 MsgWaitForMultipleObjects
       2167  294 000206F0 MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx
       2168  295 000885C0 NotifyOverlayWindow
       2169  296 00004AA0 NotifyWinEvent
       2170  297 0007CD40 OemKeyScan
       2171  298 0007CDD0 OemToCharA
       2172  299 0007CE20 OemToCharBuffA
       2173  29A 0007CE70 OemToCharBuffW
       2174  29B 0007CEC0 OemToCharW
       2175  29C 0000AE80 OffsetRect
       2176  29D 0002B810 OpenClipboard
       2177  29E 0001B4E0 OpenDesktopA
       2178  29F 0001A610 OpenDesktopW
       2179  2A0 000885E0 OpenIcon
       2180  2A1 000345E0 OpenInputDesktop
       2181  2A2 000345F0 OpenThreadDesktop
       2182  2A3 0001C510 OpenWindowStationA
       2183  2A4 0001B470 OpenWindowStationW
       2184  2A5 00059440 PackDDElParam
       2185  2A6 00080E90 PackTouchHitTestingProximityEvaluation
       2186  2A7 0007C760 PaintDesktop
       2187  2A8 00034600 PaintMenuBar
       2188  2A9 00034610 PaintMonitor
       2189  2AA 00009980 PeekMessageA
       2190  2AB 0000A3E0 PeekMessageW
       2191  2AC 00034630 PhysicalToLogicalPoint
       2192  2AD 00034640 PhysicalToLogicalPointForPerMonitorDPI
       2193  2AE 00029810 PostMessageA
       2194  2AF 00021040 PostMessageW
       2195  2B0 0002B960 PostQuitMessage
       2196  2B1 00032110 PostThreadMessageA
       2197  2B2 00027E10 PostThreadMessageW
       2198  2B3 00034650 PrintWindow
       2199  2B4 00069C80 PrivateExtractIconExA
       2200  2B5 00069D10 PrivateExtractIconExW
       2201  2B6 00069EB0 PrivateExtractIconsA
       2202  2B7 0001BA20 PrivateExtractIconsW
       2203  2B8 00051280 PrivateRegisterICSProc
       2204  2B9 00013720 PtInRect
       2205  2BA 00034690 QueryBSDRWindow
       2206  2BB 000265C0 QueryDisplayConfig
       2207  2BC 000346A0 QuerySendMessage
       2208  2BD 000346B0 RIMAddInputObserver
       2209  2BE 000346C0 RIMAreSiblingDevices
       2210  2BF 000346D0 RIMDeviceIoControl
       2211  2C0 000346E0 RIMEnableMonitorMappingForDevice
       2212  2C1 000346F0 RIMFreeInputBuffer
       2213  2C2 00034700 RIMGetDevicePreparsedData
       2214  2C3 00034710 RIMGetDevicePreparsedDataLockfree
       2215  2C4 00034720 RIMGetDeviceProperties
       2216  2C5 00034730 RIMGetDevicePropertiesLockfree
       2217  2C6 00034740 RIMGetPhysicalDeviceRect
       2218  2C7 00034750 RIMGetSourceProcessId
       2219  2C8 00034760 RIMObserveNextInput
       2220  2C9 00034770 RIMOnPnpNotification
       2221  2CA 00034780 RIMOnTimerNotification
       2222  2CB 00034790 RIMQueryDevicePath
       2223  2CC 000347A0 RIMReadInput
       2224  2CD 000347B0 RIMRegisterForInput
       2225  2CE 000347C0 RIMRemoveInputObserver
       2226  2CF 000347D0 RIMSetExtendedDeviceProperty
       2227  2D0 000347E0 RIMSetTestModeStatus
       2228  2D1 000347F0 RIMUnregisterForInput
       2229  2D2 00034800 RIMUpdateInputObserverRegistration
       2230  2D3 00034810 RealChildWindowFromPoint
       2231  2D4 00084BA0 RealGetWindowClass
       2232  2D5 00084BA0 RealGetWindowClassA
       2233  2D6 00023D90 RealGetWindowClassW
       2234  2D7 0007DEF0 ReasonCodeNeedsBugID
       2235  2D8 0007DF00 ReasonCodeNeedsComment
       2236  2D9 00032BD0 RecordShutdownReason
       2237  2DA 00034820 RedrawWindow
       2238  2DB 00034830 RegisterBSDRWindow
       2239  2DC 00002AD0 RegisterClassA
       2240  2DD 0008BA00 RegisterClassExA
       2241  2DE 000072C0 RegisterClassExW
       2242  2DF 000072F0 RegisterClassW
       2243  2E0 00003140 RegisterClipboardFormatA
       2244  2E1 00026AF0 RegisterClipboardFormatW
       2245  2E2 00034840 RegisterDManipHook
       2246  2E3 0002BA40 RegisterDeviceNotificationA
       2247  2E4 0002BA40 RegisterDeviceNotificationW
       2248  2E5 00034850 RegisterErrorReportingDialog
       2249  2E6 00088670 RegisterFrostWindow
       2250  2E7 00088690 RegisterGhostWindow
       2251  2E8 00034860 RegisterHotKey
       2252  2E9 0002CA70 RegisterLogonProcess
       2253  2EA 0002BCA0 RegisterMessagePumpHook
       2254  2EB 00034870 RegisterPointerDeviceNotifications
       2255  2EC 00050640 RegisterPointerInputTarget
       2256  2ED 000500E0 RegisterPointerInputTargetEx
       2257  2EE 0002A160 RegisterPowerSettingNotification
       2258  2EF 00034880 RegisterRawInputDevices
       2259  2F0 00034890 RegisterServicesProcess
       2260  2F1 000348A0 RegisterSessionPort
       2261  2F2 0002CB20 RegisterShellHookWindow
       2262  2F3 0007C9B0 RegisterSuspendResumeNotification
       2263  2F4 000323E0 RegisterSystemThread
       2264  2F5 000348C0 RegisterTasklist
       2265  2F6 000348D0 RegisterTouchHitTestingWindow
       2266  2F7 0007CA20 RegisterTouchWindow
       2267  2F8 0002C540 RegisterUserApiHook
       2268  2F9 00003140 RegisterWindowMessageA
       2269  2FA 00026AF0 RegisterWindowMessageW
       2270  2FB 0002C460 ReleaseCapture
       2271  2FC 00023B40 ReleaseDC
       2272  2FD 000348F0 ReleaseDwmHitTestWaiters
       2273  2FE 0002CE20 RemoveClipboardFormatListener
       2274  2FF 00033C00 RemoveInjectionDevice
       2275  300 00034900 RemoveMenu
       2276  301 00084C70 RemovePropA
       2277  302 00025F70 RemovePropW
       2278  303 00081720 RemoveThreadTSFEventAwareness
       2279  304 00034910 RemoveVisualIdentifier
       2280  305 000297A0 ReplyMessage
       2551  306 00001E60 ReportInertia
       2281  307 00034930 ResolveDesktopForWOW
       2282  308 000594C0 ReuseDDElParam
       2283  309 00011D60 ScreenToClient
       2284  30A 00077B80 ScrollChildren
       2285  30B 00026C30 ScrollDC
       2286  30C 000886F0 ScrollWindow
       2287  30D 00026980 ScrollWindowEx
       2288  30E 0008BA50 SendDlgItemMessageA
       2289  30F 00001420 SendDlgItemMessageW
       2290  310 000851E0 SendIMEMessageExA
       2291  311 00085200 SendIMEMessageExW
       2292  312 00034960 SendInput
       2293  313 00009730 SendMessageA
       2294  314 00084D10 SendMessageCallbackA
       2295  315 00027D50 SendMessageCallbackW
       2296  316 000310A0 SendMessageTimeoutA
       2297  317 00020A80 SendMessageTimeoutW
       2298  318 0000D5B0 SendMessageW
       2299  319 00030B30 SendNotifyMessageA
       2300  31A 00029320 SendNotifyMessageW
       2301  31B 000349A0 SetActiveWindow
       2302  31C 000349F0 SetCapture
       2303  31D 0002AF70 SetCaretBlinkTime
       2304  31E 0002B6B0 SetCaretPos
       2305  31F 00084DA0 SetClassLongA
       2306  320 00084DC0 SetClassLongPtrA
       2307  321 0002C940 SetClassLongPtrW
       2308  322 000323C0 SetClassLongW
       2309  323 00034A10 SetClassWord
       2310  324 0002FF30 SetClipboardData
       2311  325 00032430 SetClipboardViewer
       2312  326 00034A20 SetCoalescableTimer
       2571  327 00034A30 SetCoreWindow
       2313  328 0002B120 SetCursor
       2314  329 00034A50 SetCursorContents
       2315  32A 00034A70 SetCursorPos
       2316  32B 0002CEB0 SetDebugErrorLevel
       2317  32C 00088750 SetDeskWallpaper
       2318  32D 00034A80 SetDesktopColorTransform
       2319  32E 00034AA0 SetDialogControlDpiChangeBehavior
       2320  32F 0005A130 SetDialogDpiChangeBehavior
       2321  330 00034AB0 SetDisplayAutoRotationPreferences
       2322  331 0008D180 SetDisplayConfig
       2323  332 00001560 SetDlgItemInt
       2324  333 0008BAA0 SetDlgItemTextA
       2325  334 000891C0 SetDlgItemTextW
       2326  335 00088770 SetDoubleClickTime
       2327  336 00034AE0 SetFeatureReportResponse
       2328  337 00034AF0 SetFocus
       2329  338 0002BC80 SetForegroundWindow
       2330  339 00034B10 SetFullscreenMagnifierOffsetsDWMUpdated
       2331  33A 00034B20 SetGestureConfig
       2332  33B 00034B60 SetInternalWindowPos
       2333  33C 00034B70 SetKeyboardState
       2334  33D 0007CF20 SetLastErrorEx
       2335  33E 00034B80 SetLayeredWindowAttributes
       2336  33F 00075DC0 SetMagnificationDesktopColorEffect
       2337  340 00075EA0 SetMagnificationDesktopMagnification
       2338  341 00034B90 SetMagnificationDesktopMagnifierOffsetsDWMUpdated
       2339  342 00075F20 SetMagnificationDesktopSamplingMode
       2340  343 00034BA0 SetMagnificationLensCtxInformation
       2341  344 0002C770 SetMenu
       2342  345 00034BB0 SetMenuContextHelpId
       2343  346 00034BC0 SetMenuDefaultItem
       2344  347 00001770 SetMenuInfo
       2345  348 00001BA0 SetMenuItemBitmaps
       2346  349 0008BAD0 SetMenuItemInfoA
       2347  34A 0001F990 SetMenuItemInfoW
       2348  34B 000500C0 SetMessageExtraInfo
       2349  34C 0002CEE0 SetMessageQueue
       2350  34D 00034BD0 SetMirrorRendering
       2351  34E 0002C300 SetParent
       2352  34F 00034A70 SetPhysicalCursorPos
       2353  350 00034BE0 SetPointerDeviceInputSpace
       2354  351 0001B4C0 SetProcessDPIAware
       2355  352 00088790 SetProcessDefaultLayout
       2356  353 0001A4E0 SetProcessDpiAwarenessContext
       2357  354 0001A490 SetProcessDpiAwarenessInternal
       2358  355 00034C20 SetProcessRestrictionExemption
       2359  356 00034C30 SetProcessWindowStation
       2360  357 000887B0 SetProgmanWindow
       2361  358 00084F00 SetPropA
       2362  359 00023F50 SetPropW
       2363  35A 000239A0 SetRect
       2364  35B 00023980 SetRectEmpty
       2365  35C 00012AD0 SetScrollInfo
       2366  35D 00032320 SetScrollPos
       2367  35E 00030E10 SetScrollRange
       2368  35F 0002CE00 SetShellChangeNotifyWindow
       2369  360 000887D0 SetShellWindow
       2370  361 00034C50 SetShellWindowEx
       2371  362 0002CCF0 SetSysColors
       2372  363 0007CF40 SetSysColorsTemp
       2373  364 0007CA40 SetSystemCursor
       2374  365 00034C60 SetSystemMenu
       2375  366 0002CDA0 SetTaskmanWindow
       2376  367 0002C0B0 SetThreadDesktop
       2377  368 00016C50 SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext
       2378  369 00088810 SetThreadDpiHostingBehavior
       2379  36A 00034C80 SetThreadInputBlocked
       2380  36B 00023BA0 SetTimer
       2381  36C 00088900 SetUserObjectInformationA
       2382  36D 00088980 SetUserObjectInformationW
       2383  36E 0002C790 SetUserObjectSecurity
       2384  36F 00029390 SetWinEventHook
       2385  370 00034CA0 SetWindowBand
       2386  371 00028D70 SetWindowCompositionAttribute
       2387  372 00034CB0 SetWindowCompositionTransition
       2388  373 00088990 SetWindowContextHelpId
       2389  374 00034CC0 SetWindowDisplayAffinity
       2390  375 00034CD0 SetWindowFeedbackSetting
       2391  376 0002C7E0 SetWindowLongA
       2392  377 0002C840 SetWindowLongPtrA
       2393  378 0000B7C0 SetWindowLongPtrW
       2394  379 00010F10 SetWindowLongW
       2395  37A 00034CF0 SetWindowPlacement
       2396  37B 00034D00 SetWindowPos
       2397  37C 00014660 SetWindowRgn
       2398  37D 0007CAA0 SetWindowRgnEx
       2399  37E 0002C6A0 SetWindowStationUser
       2400  37F 0008BB40 SetWindowTextA
       2401  380 00014450 SetWindowTextW
       2402  381 00034D20 SetWindowWord
       2403  382 0004F540 SetWindowsHookA
       2404  383 0004F560 SetWindowsHookExA
       2405  384 00035870 SetWindowsHookExAW
       2406  385 0002B250 SetWindowsHookExW
       2407  386 0004F580 SetWindowsHookW
       2408  387 00028E20 ShowCaret
       2409  388 00034D30 ShowCursor
       2410  389 00032470 ShowOwnedPopups
       2411  38A 00034D40 ShowScrollBar
       2412  38B 000889B0 ShowStartGlass
       2413  38C 00034D50 ShowSystemCursor
       2414  38D 00034D60 ShowWindow
       2415  38E 00034D70 ShowWindowAsync
       2416  38F 0002A730 ShutdownBlockReasonCreate
       2417  390 00034D80 ShutdownBlockReasonDestroy
       2418  391 00034D90 ShutdownBlockReasonQuery
       2419  392 00034DA0 SignalRedirectionStartComplete
       2420  393 00034DB0 SkipPointerFrameMessages
       2421  394 0007B310 SoftModalMessageBox
       2422  395 00034DD0 SoundSentry
       2423  396 00029FA0 SubtractRect
       2424  397 000889D0 SwapMouseButton
       2425  398 0002CB80 SwitchDesktop
       2426  399 0002CDE0 SwitchDesktopWithFade
       2427  39A 00001C30 SwitchToThisWindow
       2428  39B 00028A50 SystemParametersInfoA
       2429  39C 00028890 SystemParametersInfoForDpi
       2430  39D 000232E0 SystemParametersInfoW
       2431  39E 000573B0 TabbedTextOutA
       2432  39F 000574E0 TabbedTextOutW
       2433  3A0 000889F0 TileChildWindows
       2434  3A1 00077BB0 TileWindows
       2435  3A2 00088A20 ToAscii
       2436  3A3 00088AA0 ToAsciiEx
       2437  3A4 0007CAF0 ToUnicode
       2438  3A5 00028800 ToUnicodeEx
       2439  3A6 00034DE0 TrackMouseEvent
       2440  3A7 00077F60 TrackPopupMenu
       2441  3A8 00034DF0 TrackPopupMenuEx
       2442  3A9 00088C20 TranslateAccelerator
       2443  3AA 00088C20 TranslateAcceleratorA
       2444  3AB 00025C20 TranslateAcceleratorW
       2445  3AC 00077BE0 TranslateMDISysAccel
       2446  3AD 00009400 TranslateMessage
       2447  3AE 00026920 TranslateMessageEx
       2504  3AF 00034E00 UndelegateInput
       2448  3B0 00034E10 UnhookWinEvent
       2449  3B1 00088CB0 UnhookWindowsHook
       2450  3B2 0002B1B0 UnhookWindowsHookEx
       2451  3B3 00023BD0 UnionRect
       2452  3B4 00088CD0 UnloadKeyboardLayout
       2453  3B5 00034E20 UnlockWindowStation
       2454  3B6 00059580 UnpackDDElParam
       2455  3B7 00005580 UnregisterClassA
       2456  3B8 00007ED0 UnregisterClassW
       2457  3B9 0002BE20 UnregisterDeviceNotification
       2458  3BA 00034E30 UnregisterHotKey
       2459  3BB 00032030 UnregisterMessagePumpHook
       2460  3BC 00050680 UnregisterPointerInputTarget
       2461  3BD 000500E0 UnregisterPointerInputTargetEx
       2462  3BE 0002B7E0 UnregisterPowerSettingNotification
       2463  3BF 00034E40 UnregisterSessionPort
       2464  3C0 0007CB40 UnregisterSuspendResumeNotification
       2465  3C1 0007CB80 UnregisterTouchWindow
       2466  3C2 00034E50 UnregisterUserApiHook
       2467  3C3 00034E60 UpdateDefaultDesktopThumbnail
       2468  3C4 000312C0 UpdateLayeredWindow
       2469  3C5 0002DD00 UpdateLayeredWindowIndirect
       2470  3C6 0001C8D0 UpdatePerUserSystemParameters
       2471  3C7 00013260 UpdateWindow
       2472  3C8 00034E70 UpdateWindowInputSinkHints
       2473  3C9 000195F0 User32InitializeImmEntryTable
       2474  3CA 00017F30 UserClientDllInitialize
       2475  3CB 00034E90 UserHandleGrantAccess
       2476  3CC 00057530 UserLpkPSMTextOut
       2477  3CD 00057770 UserLpkTabbedTextOut
       2478  3CE 0002FF10 UserRealizePalette
       2479  3CF 00088D10 UserRegisterWowHandlers
       2480  3D0 0002CEC0 VRipOutput
       2481  3D1 0002CEC0 VTagOutput
       2482  3D2 00034EA0 ValidateRect
       2483  3D3 00001E00 ValidateRgn
       2484  3D4 00084FE0 VkKeyScanA
       2485  3D5 00085050 VkKeyScanExA
       2486  3D6 00001660 VkKeyScanExW
       2487  3D7 0002BA00 VkKeyScanW
       2488  3D8 00008DD0 WCSToMBEx
       2489  3D9 00085220 WINNLSEnableIME
       2490  3DA 00085240 WINNLSGetEnableStatus
       2491  3DB 0002CEC0 WINNLSGetIMEHotkey
       2492  3DC 0002C8E0 WaitForInputIdle
       2493  3DD 00034EC0 WaitForRedirectionStartComplete
       2494  3DE 00034ED0 WaitMessage
       2495  3DF 000313E0 WinHelpA
       2496  3E0 00031330 WinHelpW
       2497  3E1 00034EE0 WindowFromDC
       2498  3E2 00034EF0 WindowFromPhysicalPoint
       2499  3E3 00034F00 WindowFromPoint
       2500  3E4 00081640 _UserTestTokenForInteractive
       2501  3E5 000B3030 gSharedInfo
       2502  3E6 00091990 gapfnScSendMessage
       2543  3E7 0007CBC0 keybd_event
       2547  3E8 0002BDC0 mouse_event
       2562  3E9 000273C0 wsprintfA
       2580  3EA 000299A0 wsprintfW
       2583  3EB 000273F0 wvsprintfA
       2596  3EC 000299D0 wvsprintfW
       1502      00051870 [NONAME]
       1550      0007DF60 [NONAME]
       1551      0007DFF0 [NONAME]
       1552      0007DF10 [NONAME]
       1554      0002CEC0 [NONAME]
       2001      00075F70 [NONAME]
       2002      00075D10 [NONAME]
       2005      00034A00 [NONAME]
       2010      00034DC0 [NONAME]
       2506      0004F2A0 [NONAME]
       2507      000349B0 [NONAME]
       2508      00034670 [NONAME]
       2509      00033970 [NONAME]
       2510      0002A700 [NONAME]
       2511      00034AD0 [NONAME]
       2512      00033F10 [NONAME]
       2513      00034990 [NONAME]
       2514      00050620 [NONAME]
       2515      00050660 [NONAME]
       2516      00033B80 [NONAME]
       2517      00034230 [NONAME]
       2518      0001B0A0 [NONAME]
       2519      00033D10 [NONAME]
       2520      00034490 [NONAME]
       2522      000349D0 [NONAME]
       2523      000012E0 [NONAME]
       2524      0004E790 [NONAME]
       2525      00021770 [NONAME]
       2526      0004E760 [NONAME]
       2527      000217B0 [NONAME]
       2529      00033C20 [NONAME]
       2530      00034EB0 [NONAME]
       2531      000349E0 [NONAME]
       2532      00034AC0 [NONAME]
       2533      00033A10 [NONAME]
       2534      00003450 [NONAME]
       2535      00083380 [NONAME]
       2536      00009250 [NONAME]
       2537      00034950 [NONAME]
       2538      00034520 [NONAME]
       2539      00034330 [NONAME]
       2540      00083560 [NONAME]
       2541      00034170 [NONAME]
       2542      000348B0 [NONAME]
       2544      00033D60 [NONAME]
       2545      00034070 [NONAME]
       2546      000348E0 [NONAME]
       2548      00034140 [NONAME]
       2549      00034BF0 [NONAME]
       2550      00033AB0 [NONAME]
       2552      000886B0 [NONAME]
       2553      00088BA0 [NONAME]
       2554      00088620 [NONAME]
       2555      0008F310 [NONAME]
       2556      00034980 [NONAME]
       2557      0002B080 [NONAME]
       2558      00029E10 [NONAME]
       2559      00034060 [NONAME]
       2560      00050110 [NONAME]
       2561      0002CC50 [NONAME]
       2563      00033A70 [NONAME]
       2564      0002CC70 [NONAME]
       2565      0002C320 [NONAME]
       2566      00034C90 [NONAME]
       2567      0002CD80 [NONAME]
       2568      0002C7C0 [NONAME]
       2569      000273A0 [NONAME]
       2570      000888A0 [NONAME]
       2572      00021BA0 [NONAME]
       2573      000144B0 [NONAME]
       2574      00010D80 [NONAME]
       2575      00088070 [NONAME]
       2576      00034A40 [NONAME]
       2577      0002CB60 [NONAME]
       2578      000345D0 [NONAME]
       2579      00034D10 [NONAME]
       2581      0002C270 [NONAME]
       2582      00027010 [NONAME]
       2584      00087FE0 [NONAME]
       2585      00034E80 [NONAME]
       2586      00034B30 [NONAME]
       2587      00022290 [NONAME]
       2588      00033980 [NONAME]
       2589      00033FB0 [NONAME]
       2590      00033FA0 [NONAME]
       2591      00034970 [NONAME]
       2592      00034B40 [NONAME]
       2593      00034440 [NONAME]
       2594      00034B50 [NONAME]
       2595      00034C00 [NONAME]
       2597      0002A140 [NONAME]
       2598      00050FC0 [NONAME]
       2599      00026840 [NONAME]
       2600      00001E40 [NONAME]
       2606      00033D50 [NONAME]
       2608      00034660 [NONAME]
       2609      00033FC0 [NONAME]
       2610      00033AC0 [NONAME]
       2611      00033D90 [NONAME]
       2612      0002B9E0 [NONAME]
       2613      00023D10 [NONAME]
       2614      000341C0 [NONAME]
       2615      00033D40 [NONAME]
       2616      000339B0 [NONAME]
       2617      000344C0 [NONAME]
       2618      0008D3B0 [NONAME]
       2619      0002C620 [NONAME]
       2620      0008D140 [NONAME]
       2621      00033AF0 [NONAME]
       2622      00034C70 [NONAME]
       2626      00034920 [NONAME]
       2627      000349C0 [NONAME]
       2628      00033B60 [NONAME]
       2629      00033BB0 [NONAME]
       2630      000342C0 [NONAME]
       2631      00033D80 [NONAME]
       2632      00034CE0 [NONAME]
       2633      00033B40 [NONAME]
       2634      000887F0 [NONAME]
       2635      00010320 [NONAME]
       2636      00029640 [NONAME]
       2637      00034C40 [NONAME]
       2638      00033AE0 [NONAME]
       2639      00034A60 [NONAME]
       2640      00086A20 [NONAME]
       2641      00086BC0 [NONAME]
       2642      00033E00 [NONAME]
       2643      00034940 [NONAME]
       2644      00033B70 [NONAME]
       2645      00086D20 [NONAME]
       2646      00034680 [NONAME]
       2647      00033AD0 [NONAME]
       2648      00033BD0 [NONAME]
       2649      00034B00 [NONAME]
       2650      00033F80 [NONAME]
       2651      00033C50 [NONAME]
       2652      00034240 [NONAME]
       2653      00034120 [NONAME]
       2654      00033B30 [NONAME]
       2655      00033BC0 [NONAME]
       2656      00033D00 [NONAME]
       2657      00034C10 [NONAME]
       2658      00034A90 [NONAME]
       2659      0002CEB0 [NONAME]
       2700      00031EA0 [NONAME]
       2702      00077EE0 [NONAME]
       2703      000344A0 [NONAME]
       2704      00033CE0 [NONAME]
       2705      00034470 [NONAME]
       2706      000344F0 [NONAME]
       2707      000234A0 [NONAME]
       2708      000339E0 [NONAME]
       2709      00033D70 [NONAME]
       2710      00034500 [NONAME]
       2711      00033E20 [NONAME]
       2712      0001DE90 [NONAME]
       2713      0002C750 [NONAME]
       2714      00031E50 [NONAME]
       2715      00034560 [NONAME]
       2716      00034620 [NONAME]


        2000 .data
        1000 .didat
        8000 .pdata
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PS C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.29.30037\bin\Hostx64\x64>